[Apache Airflow] Concurrency 설정

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Concurrency 설정

  • parallelism = 32/ AIRFLOW__CORE__PARALELISM
    • defines the maximum number of task instances that can run in Airflow per scheduler
    • by default, execution up to 32 tasks are possible at the same time.
    • if there are 2 schedulers: 64 tasks(2 x 32) are possible at the same time
    • the value here depends on the resources and the number of schedulers running.
  • max_active_tasks_per_dag = 16 / AIRFLOW__CORE__MAX_ACTIVE_TASKS_PER_DAG
    • defines the maximum number of task instances allowed to run concurrently in each DAG
    • By default, execution up to 16 tasks at the same time for a given DAG across all DAG Runs is possible. <!– * max_active_runs_per_dag = 16 / AIRFLOW__CORE__MAX_ACTIVE_RUNS_PER_DAG
    • defines the maximum number of active DAG runs per DAG
    • by default, execution up to 16 DAG runs per DAG running at the same time is possible. –>
  • worker_concurrency = 16
    • defines the number of task instances that a worker will take
    • size up your workers based on the resources on your worker box and the nature of the tasks