[Apache Airflow] Airflow Dag

1 minute read

Airflow Dag

  • Airflow Dag
    • Create Airflow Dag File
    • Add Connection in Airflow Webserver
    • Test Airflow Task

Create Airflow Dag File

  • path - AIRFLOW_HOME/dag/user_processing.py
# user_processing.py
from airflow.models import DAG
from airflow.providers.sqlite.operators.sqlite import SqliteOperator

from datetime import datetime

default_args = {
    "start_date": datetime(2022, 1, 7),

with DAG(
) as dag:
    # Transfer Operator
    creating_table = SqliteOperator(
            CREATE TABLE users (
                firstname TEXT NOT NULL,
                lastname TEXT NOT NULL,
                country TEXT NOT NULL,
                username TEXT NOT NULL,
                password TEXT NOT NULL,
                email TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY

Add Connection(Provider) in Airflow Webserver

  • Sqlite Connection을 위한 provider(python package) 설치
    • A provider is an an independent python package that brings everything your need to interact with a service or a tool such as Spark or AWS
    • A provider contains types, operators, hooks and so on
    • Can check installed provider with airflow providers list
pip3 install 'apache-airflow-providers-sqlite'

# airflow webserver - Admin - Connections - + (추가)
# 1) Conn Id: python dag파일의 sqlite_conn_id 이름
# 2) Conn Type: 해당하는 connection
# 3) description: 자유롭게 작성
sqlite connection to the db
# 4) Host: airflow.db의 path
# 확인

Test Airflow Task

  • allows to test a specific task
    • 1) without checking for dependencies
    • 2) neither storing any medata related to the task
# test my task (airflow tasks test [py_file] [dag_name] [execution_date])
airflow tasks test user_processing creating_table 2022-01-07

# sqlite3 shell
sqlite3 airflow.db

# list all tables to check whether the table is successfully added

# execute a sql command to check data
SELECT * FROM users;
