[Apache Airflow] Processing Users Using Python Operator

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Processing Users Using Python Operator”

  • Action Operator

Action Operator

  • path - AIRFLOW_HOME/dag/user_processing.py
# user_processing.py
from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
from pandas import json_normalize
import json

# user process method
def _processing_user(task_instance):
    # get data from extracting user
    users = task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids=["extracting_user"])
    # check error
    if not len(users) or "results" not in users[0]:
        raise ValueError("User is empty")
    # store the data in user
    user = users[0]["results"][0]

    # get user data of interest
    processed_user = json_normalize({
        "firstname": user["name"]["first"],
        "lastname": user["name"]["last"],
        "country": user["location"]["country"],
        "username": user["login"]["username"],
        "password": user["login"]["password"],
        "email": user["email"]
    # .to_csv function from pandas throw error if directory doesn't exist
    path = "/Users/jisu/Dropbox_Carl/Dropbox/JISU/Data/DE/airflow1/tmp/processed_user.csv"
    processed_user.to_csv(path, index=None, header=False)

with DAG(
) as dag:
    # Action Operator
    processing_user = PythonOperator(

Test Airflow Task

  • allows to test a specific task
    • 1) without checking for dependencies
    • 2) neither storing any medata related to the task
# test my task (airflow tasks test [py_file] [dag_name] [execution_date])
airflow tasks test user_processing processing_user 2022-01-07