[Apache Airflow] Storing Users Using Bash Operator
Storing Users Using Bash Operator
- Transfer(Bash) Operator
Transfer(Bash) Operator
- path - AIRFLOW_HOME/dag/user_processing.py
# user_processing.py
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator
with DAG(
) as dag:
# Transfer Operator
storing_user = BashOperator(
bash_command='echo -e ".separator ","\n.import /Users/jisu/Dropbox_Carl/Dropbox/JISU/Data/DE/airflow1/tmp/processed_user.csv users" | sqlite3 /Users/jisu/Dropbox_Carl/Dropbox/JISU/Data/DE/airflow1/airflow.db'
Test Airflow Task
- allows to test a specific task
- 1) without checking for dependencies
- 2) neither storing any medata related to the task
# check before task
sqlite3 airflow.db
SELECT * FROM users;
# test my task (airflow tasks test [py_file] [dag_name] [execution_date])
airflow tasks test user_processing storing_user 2022-01-07
# check after task
sqlite3 airflow.db
SELECT * FROM users;