[Docker] Docker Image2 - Building Images
Docker Image2 - Building Images
- Dockerfile Build
- Dockerfile Build Example
Dockerfile Build
# Dockerfile이 있는 repository에서 진행 (docker image build -t [image_name] .)
docker image build -t custom_nginx .
# dockerfile에 적혀 있는 순서대로 build하며, 변경이 없는 부분은 cache를 이용하고 변경된 부분만 새롭게 build하므로
# 변경이 없는 부분을 위에, 변경이 많은 부분은 아래에 적는 것이 좋음
# log build output
docker build --no-cache --progress=plain -t hrs-pipeline:v1.0.5-3.8-3.3.2 . 2>&1 | tee build_log.out
Dockerfile Build Example
- Dockerfile
# - you should use the 'node' official image, with the alpine 6.x branch (node:6-alpine)
FROM node:6-alpine
# - this app listens on port 3000, but the container should launch on port 80
# - then it should use alpine package manager to install tini: 'apk add --update tini'
RUN apk add --update tini
# - then it should create directory /usr/src/app for app files with 'mkdir -p /usr/src/app'
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
# - Node uses a "package manager", so it needs to copy in package.json file
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json package.json
# - then it needs to run 'npm install' to install dependencies from that file
# - to keep it clean and small, run 'npm cache clean --force' after above
RUN npm install && npm cache clean --force
# - then it needs to copy in all files from current directory
COPY . .
# - then it needs to start container with command '/sbin/tini -- node ./bin/www'
CMD ["tini", "--", "node", "./bin/www"]
- local에서 확인
# build
docker build -t testnode .
# run container
docker container run --rm -p 80:3000 testnode
# check
# docker hub에 올리고 download
- docker hub에 올린 뒤, pull해서 확인
# docker image tagging
docker tag testnode:latest zsu58/testing_node:latest
# pushing to docker hub
docker push zsu58/testing_node:latest
# remove docker image
docker image rm -f 3b6
# run container
docker container run --rm -p 80:3000 zsu58/testing_node
# check