[Hive] Internal & External Table

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Internal & External Table

  • Internal Table
  • External Table

Internal Table

  • Hive is the sole owner of the table’s data & metadata
    • only Hive can access the data
  • when the table is dropped, the metadata & data will be lost
  • Table Creation
-- default: internal table
create table if not exists table3(
	col1 int,
	col2 array<string>,
	col3 string,
	col4 int
row format delimited fields terminated by',' -- 구분자
collection items terminated by':' -- array내 구분자
lines terminated by'\n' -- 줄바꿈 구분자
stored as textfile
location '/user/zsu/table3'; -- path of table data in  HDFS

default row format delimited fields terminated by: Ctrl+A
default lines terminated by: '\n';

External Table

  • Hive is responsible only for the table’s metadata
  • when the table is dropped, the metadata will be lost, but the data still lies in the HDFS
    • since the metadata is lost even though the data still lies in the HDFS, hive does not have linkage to that data anymore
  • Table Creation
create external table if not exists table2(
	col1 int,
	col2 array<string>,
	col3 string,
	col4 int
row format delimited fields terminated by',' 
collection items terminated by':' 
lines terminated by'\n' 
stored as textfile 


