[PySpark] Introduction to PySpark(2)

4 minute read


  • .filter()
  • .withColumn()
  • .select()
  • .groupBy()
    • .min()
    • .max()
    • .avg()
    • .sum()
    • .count()
    • .agg()
  • .distinct()
  • .join()

from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
sc = SparkContext('local', 'lernen2')
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
<SparkContext master=local appName=lernen2>
<pyspark.sql.session.SparkSession object at 0x7f9ee89de7c0>
# dataset
flights = spark.read.csv("flights.csv", header=True)
# 위와 같음
# flights = spark.read.format("csv").option("header","true").load("flights.csv")

[Table(name='flights', database=None, description=None, tableType='TEMPORARY', isTemporary=True)]


flights.filter("distance > 1000").show(3)
# 위와 같음
flights.filter(flights.distance > 1000).show(3)
|2014|    1| 22|    1040|        5|    1505|        5|     AS| N559AS|   851|   SEA| HNL|     360|    2677|  10|    40|
|2014|    4| 19|    1236|       -4|    1508|       -7|     AS| N309AS|   490|   SEA| SAN|     135|    1050|  12|    36|
|2014|   11| 19|    1812|       -3|    2352|       -4|     AS| N564AS|    26|   SEA| ORD|     198|    1721|  18|    12|
only showing top 3 rows
    .filter(flights.year == 2014)\
    .filter(flights.tailnum == 'N559AS')\
|2014|    1| 22|    1040|        5|    1505|        5|     AS| N559AS|   851|   SEA| HNL|     360|    2677|  10|    40|
|2014|    1| 28|    1503|       -2|    1708|      -14|     AS| N559AS|   528|   SEA| BUR|     114|     937|  15|     3|
|2014|    7| 28|    1804|       14|    2007|       12|     AS| N559AS|   358|   SEA| SFO|     104|     679|  18|     4|
only showing top 3 rows


flights.withColumn("duration_hrs", flights.air_time / 60).show(3)
|2014|   12|  8|     658|       -7|     935|       -5|     VX| N846VA|  1780|   SEA| LAX|     132|     954|   6|    58|         2.2|
|2014|    1| 22|    1040|        5|    1505|        5|     AS| N559AS|   851|   SEA| HNL|     360|    2677|  10|    40|         6.0|
|2014|    3|  9|    1443|       -2|    1652|        2|     VX| N847VA|   755|   SEA| SFO|     111|     679|  14|    43|        1.85|
only showing top 3 rows


flights.select("tailnum", "origin", "dest").show(3)
# 위와 같음
flights.select(flights.tailnum, flights.origin, flights.dest).show(3)
| N846VA|   SEA| LAX|
| N559AS|   SEA| HNL|
| N847VA|   SEA| SFO|
only showing top 3 rows
flights.select("origin", "dest", "tailnum", 
# 위와 같음
# flights.selectExpr("origin", "dest", "tailnum", "distance/(air_time/60) as avg_speed").show(3)
|origin|dest|tailnum|         avg_speed|
|   SEA| LAX| N846VA| 433.6363636363636|
|   SEA| HNL| N559AS| 446.1666666666667|
|   SEA| SFO| N847VA|367.02702702702703|
only showing top 3 rows


  • .min()
  • .max()
  • .avg()
  • .sum()
  • .count()
  • .agg()
cols = ["distance", "air_time", "dep_delay"]
for col in cols:
    flights=flights.withColumn(col, flights[col].cast('int'))


  • shortest flight from PDX in terms of distance
flights.filter(flights.origin == 'PDX').groupBy().min("distance").show()
|          106|


  • longest flight from SEA in terms of air time
flights.filter(flights.origin == 'SEA').groupBy().max("air_time").show()
|          409|


  • Average duration of Delta flights which left from SEA
    .filter(flights.carrier == "DL")\
    .filter(flights.origin == "SEA")\
|     avg(air_time)|
  • air_time of flights from PDX and SEA
|origin|     avg(air_time)|
|   SEA| 160.4361496051259|
|   PDX|137.11543248288737|


  • Total hours in the air of all flights
    .withColumn("duration_hrs", flights.air_time/60)\
| sum(duration_hrs)|


  • number of flights by tailnum
| N442AS|   38|
| N102UW|    2|
| N36472|    4|
| N38451|    4|
| N73283|    4|
| N513UA|    2|
| N954WN|    5|
| N388DA|    3|
| N567AA|    1|
| N516UA|    2|
| N927DN|    1|
| N8322X|    1|
| N466SW|    1|
|  N6700|    1|
| N607AS|   45|
| N622SW|    4|
| N584AS|   31|
| N914WN|    4|
| N654AW|    2|
| N336NW|    1|
only showing top 20 rows


by_motth_dest = flights.groupBy("month", "dest")
|month|dest|      avg(dep_delay)|
|   11| TUS| -2.3333333333333335|
|   11| ANC|   7.529411764705882|
|    1| BUR|               -1.45|
|    1| PDX| -5.6923076923076925|
|    6| SBA|                -2.5|
|    5| LAX|-0.15789473684210525|
|   10| DTW|                 2.6|
|    6| SIT|                -1.0|
|   10| DFW|  18.176470588235293|
|    3| FAI|                -2.2|
|   10| SEA|                -0.8|
|    2| TUS| -0.6666666666666666|
|   12| OGG|  25.181818181818183|
|    9| DFW|   4.066666666666666|
|    5| EWR|               14.25|
|    3| RDM|                -6.2|
|    8| DCA|                 2.6|
|    7| ATL|   4.675675675675675|
|    4| JFK| 0.07142857142857142|
|   10| SNA| -1.1333333333333333|
only showing top 20 rows
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
|   11| TUS|    3.0550504633038935|
|   11| ANC|    18.604716401245316|
|    1| BUR|     15.22627576540667|
|    1| PDX|     5.677214918493858|
|    6| SBA|     2.380476142847617|
|    5| LAX|     13.36268698685904|
|   10| DTW|     5.639148871948674|
|    6| SIT|                  null|
|   10| DFW|     45.53019017606675|
|    3| FAI|    3.1144823004794873|
|   10| SEA|     18.70523227029577|
|    2| TUS|    14.468356276140469|
|   12| OGG|     82.64480404939947|
|    9| DFW|    21.728629347782924|
|    5| EWR|     42.41595968929191|
|    3| RDM|      2.16794833886788|
|    8| DCA|     9.946523680831074|
|    7| ATL|    22.767001039582183|
|    4| JFK|     8.156774303176903|
|   10| SNA|    13.726234873756304|
only showing top 20 rows


|   SEA|
|   PDX|


airports = spark.read.csv("airports.csv", header=True)
|faa|                name|       lat|        lon| alt| tz|dst|
|04G|   Lansdowne Airport|41.1304722|-80.6195833|1044| -5|  A|
|06A|Moton Field Munic...|32.4605722|-85.6800278| 264| -5|  A|
|06C| Schaumburg Regional|41.9893408|-88.1012428| 801| -6|  A|
only showing top 3 rows
|2014|   12|  8|     658|       -7|     935|       -5|     VX| N846VA|  1780|   SEA| LAX|     132|     954|   6|    58|
|2014|    1| 22|    1040|        5|    1505|        5|     AS| N559AS|   851|   SEA| HNL|     360|    2677|  10|    40|
|2014|    3|  9|    1443|       -2|    1652|        2|     VX| N847VA|   755|   SEA| SFO|     111|     679|  14|    43|
only showing top 3 rows
# Rename the faa column to dest in purpose of matching the key item to join 
airports = airports.withColumnRenamed("faa", "dest")
|dest|                name|       lat|        lon| alt| tz|dst|
| 04G|   Lansdowne Airport|41.1304722|-80.6195833|1044| -5|  A|
| 06A|Moton Field Munic...|32.4605722|-85.6800278| 264| -5|  A|
| 06C| Schaumburg Regional|41.9893408|-88.1012428| 801| -6|  A|
only showing top 3 rows
flights.join(airports, on="dest", how="leftouter").show(3)
|dest|year|month|day|dep_time|dep_delay|arr_time|arr_delay|carrier|tailnum|flight|origin|air_time|distance|hour|minute|              name|      lat|        lon|alt| tz|dst|
| LAX|2014|   12|  8|     658|       -7|     935|       -5|     VX| N846VA|  1780|   SEA|     132|     954|   6|    58|  Los Angeles Intl|33.942536|-118.408075|126| -8|  A|
| HNL|2014|    1| 22|    1040|        5|    1505|        5|     AS| N559AS|   851|   SEA|     360|    2677|  10|    40|     Honolulu Intl|21.318681|-157.922428| 13|-10|  N|
| SFO|2014|    3|  9|    1443|       -2|    1652|        2|     VX| N847VA|   755|   SEA|     111|     679|  14|    43|San Francisco Intl|37.618972|-122.374889| 13| -8|  A|
only showing top 3 rows