[PySpark] Cleaning Data with PySpark(2)

6 minute read


  • isNull() & isNotNull()
  • pyspark.sql.functions
    • F.col()
      • contains()
      • getItem()
    • F.split()
    • F.size()
    • F.upper() & F.lower()
    • F.when() & F.otherwise()
  • UDF(User Defined Function)
    • udf()
  • Partitioning & Lazy Processing & Handling ID in Spark

from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark import SparkFiles
sc = SparkContext('local', 'lernen3-2')
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
# Stop SparkContext
# sc.stop()
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform (file:/usr/local/spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2/jars/spark-unsafe_2.12-3.1.2.jar) to constructor java.nio.DirectByteBuffer(long,int)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
22/02/27 03:20:28 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/log4j-defaults.properties
Setting default log level to "WARN".
To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).

# dataset
voters_df = spark.read.format('csv') \
    .options(header=True) \
    .options(inferSchema=True) \
# show distinct value of VOTER_NAME, truncate=False shows full data
voters_df.select("VOTER_NAME").distinct().show(3, truncate=False)
|VOTER_NAME                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
|Tennell Atkins                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
|  the  final   2018 Assessment Plan and the 2018 Assessment  Roll  (to  be  kept  on  file  with  the  City  Secretary);  establishing  classifications  for   the   apportionment   of   costs and the methods of assessing special assessments for the services and improvements to property in the District;  closing  the  hearing  and  levying  a  special  assessment  on  property  in  the  District|
|Scott Griggs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
only showing top 3 rows

isNull() & isNotNull()

# number of total rows

# get number of rows where VOTER_NAME is Null
print(voters_df.filter(~ F.col("VOTER_NAME").isNotNull()).count())

# get number of rows where VOTER_NAME is not Null
print(voters_df.filter(~ F.col("VOTER_NAME").isNull()).count())


  • F.col().contains()
  • F.split()
  • F.col().getItem()
  • F.size()
  • F.upper() & F.lower()
  • F.when() & F.otherwise()
import pyspark.sql.functions as F


# Filter voter_df where the VOTER_NAME is 1-20 characters in length
voters_df = voters_df.filter('length(VOTER_NAME) > 0 and length(VOTER_NAME) < 20')

# filter where VOTER_NAME does not contain an "_"
voters_df = voters_df.filter(~ F.col('VOTER_NAME').contains("_"))

# filter where VOTER_NAME contains an "_"
# voters_df.filter(F.col('VOTER_NAME').contains("_"))


# Add a new column called splits separated on whitespace
voters_df = voters_df.withColumn("splits", F.split(voters_df.VOTER_NAME, '\s+'))
|      DATE|        TITLE|         VOTER_NAME|              splits|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|  Jennifer S. Gates|[Jennifer, S., Ga...|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember| Philip T. Kingston|[Philip, T., King...|
|02/08/2017|        Mayor|Michael S. Rawlings|[Michael, S., Raw...|
only showing top 3 rows


# create column "first_name" with the first element of splits(an array)
voters_df = voters_df.withColumn("first_name", F.col("splits").getItem(0))
|      DATE|        TITLE|         VOTER_NAME|              splits|first_name|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|  Jennifer S. Gates|[Jennifer, S., Ga...|  Jennifer|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember| Philip T. Kingston|[Philip, T., King...|    Philip|
|02/08/2017|        Mayor|Michael S. Rawlings|[Michael, S., Raw...|   Michael|
only showing top 3 rows


  • returns the length of the array or map stored in the column.
  • Parameter - column or str
# Create a new column called first_name based on the first item in splits
voters_df = voters_df.withColumn("first_name", voters_df.splits.getItem(0))

# Get the last entry of the splits list and create a column called last_name
voters_df = voters_df.withColumn("last_name", F.col("splits").getItem(F.size('splits') - 1))
|      DATE|        TITLE|         VOTER_NAME|              splits|first_name|last_name|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|  Jennifer S. Gates|[Jennifer, S., Ga...|  Jennifer|    Gates|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember| Philip T. Kingston|[Philip, T., King...|    Philip| Kingston|
|02/08/2017|        Mayor|Michael S. Rawlings|[Michael, S., Raw...|   Michael| Rawlings|
only showing top 3 rows

F.upper() & F.lower()

voters_df \
    .withColumn("first_name_upper", F.upper(F.col("first_name"))) \
    .withColumn("first_name_lower", F.upper(F.col("first_name"))) \
    .select("first_name_upper", "first_name_lower").show(3)
|        JENNIFER|        JENNIFER|
|          PHILIP|          PHILIP|
|         MICHAEL|         MICHAEL|
only showing top 3 rows


# Add a column based on TITLE(Councilmember: 0, Mayor: 1, Others: 2)
voters_df = voters_df.withColumn('TITLE_BY_NUM',
                               F.when(F.col("TITLE") == 'Councilmember', 0)
                               .when(F.col("TITLE") == "Mayor", 1)

|      DATE|        TITLE|         VOTER_NAME|              splits|first_name|last_name|TITLE_BY_NUM|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|  Jennifer S. Gates|[Jennifer, S., Ga...|  Jennifer|    Gates|           0|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember| Philip T. Kingston|[Philip, T., King...|    Philip| Kingston|           0|
|02/08/2017|        Mayor|Michael S. Rawlings|[Michael, S., Raw...|   Michael| Rawlings|           1|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|       Adam Medrano|     [Adam, Medrano]|      Adam|  Medrano|           0|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|       Casey Thomas|     [Casey, Thomas]|     Casey|   Thomas|           0|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|Carolyn King Arnold|[Carolyn, King, A...|   Carolyn|   Arnold|           0|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|       Scott Griggs|     [Scott, Griggs]|     Scott|   Griggs|           0|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|   B. Adam  McGough| [B., Adam, McGough]|        B.|  McGough|           0|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|       Lee Kleinman|     [Lee, Kleinman]|       Lee| Kleinman|           0|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|      Sandy Greyson|    [Sandy, Greyson]|     Sandy|  Greyson|           0|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|  Jennifer S. Gates|[Jennifer, S., Ga...|  Jennifer|    Gates|           0|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember| Philip T. Kingston|[Philip, T., King...|    Philip| Kingston|           0|
|02/08/2017|        Mayor|Michael S. Rawlings|[Michael, S., Raw...|   Michael| Rawlings|           1|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|       Adam Medrano|     [Adam, Medrano]|      Adam|  Medrano|           0|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|       Casey Thomas|     [Casey, Thomas]|     Casey|   Thomas|           0|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember|Carolyn King Arnold|[Carolyn, King, A...|   Carolyn|   Arnold|           0|
|02/08/2017|Councilmember| Rickey D. Callahan|[Rickey, D., Call...|    Rickey| Callahan|           0|
|01/11/2017|Councilmember|  Jennifer S. Gates|[Jennifer, S., Ga...|  Jennifer|    Gates|           0|
|04/25/2018|Councilmember|     Sandy  Greyson|    [Sandy, Greyson]|     Sandy|  Greyson|           0|
|04/25/2018|Councilmember| Jennifer S.  Gates|[Jennifer, S., Ga...|  Jennifer|    Gates|           0|
only showing top 20 rows

UDF(User Defined Function)

  • name of the method , Spark data type
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType

def getName(names):
    tmp = [names[0]]
    return ' '.join(tmp)

udfName = F.udf(getName, StringType())

voters_df = voters_df.withColumn('VOTER_NAME2', udfName(voters_df.splits))

voters_df.select("VOTER_NAME", "VOTER_NAME2").show(3)
|         VOTER_NAME|     VOTER_NAME2|
|  Jennifer S. Gates|  Jennifer Gates|
| Philip T. Kingston| Philip Kingston|
|Michael S. Rawlings|Michael Rawlings|
only showing top 3 rows

Partitioning & Lazy Processing & Handling ID in Spark


  • In Spark dataFrames are broken into partitions
    • Partitions can be automatically defined, enlarged, and shrunk and can differ based on the cluster type of Spark cluster
    • Partition size can vary but recommended to keep the partition size equal

Lazy Processing

  • Transformations(e.g. withColumn()) are lazy, meaning that process is done only when an action(e.g. count()) is performed
  • Transformations can be reordered for best performance without notice which sometimes causes unexpected behavior(e.g. ID not being added until after other transformations have been completed)

Handling ID in Spark

  • Adding sequential ids in spark can cause undue bottleneck
  • Integer (64-bit) increases in unique value, but are not sequential, but completly parallel
# unique council voters
voter_df = voters_df.select(voters_df.VOTER_NAME).distinct()
print("rows:", voter_df.count())

# Add ROW_ID
voter_df = voter_df.withColumn('ROW_ID', F.monotonically_increasing_id())

# 5 highest IDs in the set
rows: 27

[Stage 22:==================================================>   (188 + 1) / 200]

|         VOTER_NAME|       ROW_ID|
|       Lee Kleinman|1709396983808|
|        Erik Wilson|1700807049216|
|Carolyn King Arnold|1632087572480|
|Rickey D.  Callahan|1597727834112|
|   Monica R. Alonzo|1382979469312|
only showing top 5 rows
# decrease partition
voter_df_smaller = voter_df.coalesce(1)
# increase partition
voter_df_bigger = voter_df.repartition(300)

# number of partitions in each dataframe
print("voter_df_smaller consists of {} partitions".format(voter_df_smaller.rdd.getNumPartitions()))
print("voter_df consists of {} partitions".format(voter_df.rdd.getNumPartitions()))
print("voter_df_bigger consists of {} partitions".format(voter_df_bigger.rdd.getNumPartitions()))

# add a ROW_ID field to each dataframe
voter_df_smaller = voter_df_smaller.withColumn('ROW_ID', F.monotonically_increasing_id())
voter_df = voter_df.withColumn('ROW_ID', F.monotonically_increasing_id())
voter_df_bigger = voter_df_bigger.withColumn('ROW_ID', F.monotonically_increasing_id())

# top 5 IDs in each dataframe
voter_df_smaller consists of 1 partitions
voter_df consists of 200 partitions
voter_df_bigger consists of 300 partitions
|         VOTER_NAME|ROW_ID|
|       Lee Kleinman|    26|
|        Erik Wilson|    25|
|Carolyn King Arnold|    24|
|Rickey D.  Callahan|    23|
|   Monica R. Alonzo|    22|
only showing top 5 rows

[Stage 32:=============================================>        (168 + 1) / 200]

|         VOTER_NAME|       ROW_ID|
|       Lee Kleinman|1709396983808|
|        Erik Wilson|1700807049216|
|Carolyn King Arnold|1632087572480|
|Rickey D.  Callahan|1597727834112|
|   Monica R. Alonzo|1382979469312|
only showing top 5 rows

[Stage 35:===========================================>          (241 + 1) / 300]

|      VOTER_NAME|       ROW_ID|
|   Scott  Griggs|2473901162496|
|  Tennell Atkins|2456721293312|
|    Mark Clayton|2310692405248|
|   Mark  Clayton|2156073582592|
|Monica R. Alonzo|2001454759936|
only showing top 5 rows
voter_df_smaller1 = voter_df_smaller.filter(voter_df_smaller.ROW_ID < 18)
voter_df_smaller2 = voter_df_smaller.filter(voter_df_smaller.ROW_ID >= 18).drop('ROW_ID')

# determine highest ROW_ID in voter_df_smaller1
previous_max_ID = voter_df_smaller1.select('ROW_ID').rdd.max()[0]

# add ROW_ID column to voter_df_smaller2 starting at the highest ROW_ID of voter_df_smaller1
voter_df_smaller2 = voter_df_smaller2.withColumn('ROW_ID', F.monotonically_increasing_id() + previous_max_ID + 1)

|     0|
|     1|
|     2|
|     3|
|     4|
|     5|
|     6|
|     7|
|     8|
|     9|
|    10|
|    11|
|    12|
|    13|
|    14|
|    15|
|    16|
|    17|

|    18|
|    19|
|    20|
|    21|
|    22|
|    23|
|    24|
|    25|
|    26|