[PySpark] Big Data Fundamentals with PySpark(3)

3 minute read


  • DataFrame
  • Transformation & Action of DataFrame
  • PySpark SQL
  • Visualization

from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
sc = SparkContext('local', 'lernen2-3')
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
# Stop SparkContext
# sc.stop()


  • PySpark DataFrame is an immutable distributed collection of data with named columns
  • PySpark DataFrame can process both structured(RDB) and semi-structed data(e.g. JSON)
  • PySpark DataFrame supports both SQL queries & expression method(e.g. df.select())
  • SparkSession provides entry to interact with Spark DataFrames
  • Creation
    • from existing RDD using SparkSession’s createDataFrame()
      • Schema controls the data and helps DataFrames to optimitze queries
    • loading data using SparkSession’s read() method
# RDD to DataFrame
sample_list = [('Messi', 35), ('Ronaldo', 30), ('Neymar', 28)]

rdd = sc.parallelize(sample_list)
names_df = spark.createDataFrame(rdd, schema=['Name', 'Age'])

print("The type of names_df is", type(names_df))
The type of names_df is <class 'pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame'>
# file to DataFrame
from pyspark import SparkFiles
people_df = spark.read.csv(SparkFiles.get('people.csv'), header=True, inferSchema=True)
# 그 외 방법
# spark.read.txt()
# spark.read.json()

print("The type of people_df is", type(people_df))
The type of people_df is <class 'pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame'>

Transformation & Action of DataFrame

  • Transformation
    • select() - subsets columns in DataFrame
    • filter() - filter rows based on condition
    • groupBy() - group a variable
    • orderBy() - sorts DataFrame based on one or more columns
    • withColumnRenamed() - renames a column in DataFrame
    • drop() - drop a column in DataFrame
    • dropDuplicates() - removes duplicate rows of a DataFrame
    • withColumn() - returns a new DataFrame by adding a column or replacing the existing column
  • Action
    • head() - returns first row(default)
    • count() - returns number of rows in DataFrame
    • show() - returns first 20 rows(by default) in DataFrame
    • columns - returns columns in DataFrame
    • describe() - computes summary statistics of numerical columns in DataFrame
  • Schema
    • printSchmea() - prints the type of columns in DataFrame

select() & head()

people_df.select('name', 'sex', 'date of birth').head()
Row(name='Penelope Lewis', sex='female', date of birth='1990-08-31')

filter() & count()

print("number of female and male people_df is {}".format(people_df.count()))
print("number of female in people_df is {}".format(people_df.filter(people_df.sex == "female").count()))
print("number of male in people_df is {}".format(people_df.filter(people_df.sex == "male").count()))
number of female and male people_df is 100000
number of female in people_df is 49014
number of male in people_df is 49066

groupBy() & orderBy() & show()

    .orderBy("count", ascending=False)\
|   sex|count|
|  male|49066|
|  null| 1920|

withColumnRenamed() & columns

people_df.withColumnRenamed("sex", "gender").columns
['_c0', 'person_id', 'name', 'gender', 'date of birth']

drop() & describe()

|summary|        person_id|         name|   sex|date of birth|
|  count|           100000|       100000| 98080|       100000|
|   mean|          50099.5|         null|  null|         null|
| stddev|28867.65779668774|         null|  null|         null|
|    min|              100|Aaron Addesso|female|   1899-08-28|
|    max|           100099|  Zulma Biggs|  male|   2084-11-17|


print("total rows of people_df is {}".format(people_df.count()))
print("unique values of 'sex' in people_df is {}".format(people_df.select("sex").dropDuplicates().count()))
total rows of people_df is 100000
unique values of 'sex' in people_df is 3


 |-- _c0: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- person_id: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- name: string (nullable = true)
 |-- sex: string (nullable = true)
 |-- date of birth: string (nullable = true)

withColumn() & printSchema()

from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_replace
# articles = articles.withColumn('date', (col("date").cast("date")))
people_df.withColumn('date of birth', regexp_replace('date of birth', '-', '/')).show(3)
|_c0|person_id|          name|   sex|date of birth|
|  0|      100|Penelope Lewis|female|   1990/08/31|
|  1|      101| David Anthony|  male|   1971/10/14|
|  2|      102|     Ida Shipp|female|   1962/05/24|
only showing top 3 rows
|_c0|person_id|          name|   sex|date of birth|
|  0|      100|Penelope Lewis|female|   1990-08-31|
|  1|      101| David Anthony|  male|   1971-10-14|
|  2|      102|     Ida Shipp|female|   1962-05-24|
only showing top 3 rows
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
print(people_df.withColumn('person_id', (col("person_id").cast("string"))).select("person_id").printSchema())
 |-- person_id: integer (nullable = true)

 |-- person_id: string (nullable = true)


PySpark SQL

  • sql() - executes SQL query and returns a DataFrame
    • createOrReplaceTempView() - DataFrame becomes a temporary VIEW(table) in which the query is executed
# temporary table(view) "people"

query = '''SELECT name FROM people'''
people_df_names = spark.sql(query)

[Table(name='people', database=None, description=None, tableType='TEMPORARY', isTemporary=True)]
|          name|
|Penelope Lewis|
| David Anthony|
|     Ida Shipp|
only showing top 3 rows
print("number of female in people_df is", spark.sql('SELECT * FROM people WHERE sex="female"').count())
print("number of male in people_df is", spark.sql('SELECT * FROM people WHERE sex="male"').count())
number of female in people_df is 49014
number of male in people_df is 49066
