[PostgreSQL] Recursive CTE
Recursive CTE
- Recursive CTE Introduction
- Recursive CTE Step By Step
Recursive CTE Introduction
- Useful when querying a tree or graph-type data structure
- Every Recursive CTE contains a
Recursive CTE Step By Step
- Making a Recursive CTE
- 1) Define the results and working tables
- 2) Run the initial non-recursive statement, put the results into the results table and working table
- results & working table’s column is defined inside the parentheses(e.g. val)
- 3) Run the recursive statement replacing the table name defined after recursive(e.g. ‘countdown’) with a reference to the working table
- 4) If recursive statement returns some rows, append them to the results table and run recursion again
- the working table’s values are changed to the result of the recursive statement(below UNION)
- 5) If recursive statement returns no rows, stop the recursion
- 6) The results table is returned
WITH RECURSIVE countdown(val) AS (
SELECT 3 AS val -- Initial, Non-recursive query
SELECT val - 1 FROM countdown WHERE val > 1 -- Recursive Query, think countdown as the working table
FROM countdown;
-- result: 3,2,1
WITH RECURSIVE suggestions(leader_id, follower_id, depth) AS (
SELECT leader_id, follower_id, 1 AS "depth"
FROM followers
WHERE follower_id = 1 --hard_coding
SELECT f.leader_id, f.follower_id, "depth" + 1
FROM followers AS f
INNER JOIN suggestions AS s -- think as the working table
ON s.leader_id = f.follower_id
WHERE "depth" < 3
-- 최종 반환 테이블
SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u.username
FROM suggestions AS s
ON u.id = s.leader_id
WHERE "depth" > 1