[PostgreSQL] Understanding Postgres

1 minute read

Understanding Postgres

  • Data Location of Postgres
  • Terminology
  • Overall Block/ Page Layout
  • Table Row Layout

Data Location of Postgres

  • all data is stored insided the $data_directory/base
-- Where Posetgres is installed and running from 
SHOW data_directory;

-- figure out the oid of each databases
SELECT oid, datname
FROM pg_database;

-- find out what each file means that are stored inside the directory of the oid number
FROM pg_class;

-- find the data(file) that corresponds to the 'users' table
FROM pg_class
WHERE relname = 'users';
-- Result:41572


  • Heap/ Heap File: File that contains all the data(rows) of the table
    • 41572 is the heap file for ‘users’ table
  • Tuple/ Item: Individual rows from the table
  • Block/ Page: The heap file is divided into many different ‘blocks’ or ‘pages’. Each page/ block which size is 8kb, stores some number of rows.
  • 정리
    • 하나의 Heap File 안에 여러 Block/ Page가 존재
    • 하나의 Block/ Page 안에 여러 Tuple/Item이 존재

Overall Block/ Page Layout

  • PageHedaerData: 24 bytes long, contains general information about the page, including free space pointers.

    • pd_lower: 처음부터 free space 시작까지의 거리(비트)
    • pd_upper: 처음부터 free space 끝까지의 거리(비트)

  • ItemIdData: four bytes, 처음부터 item/ tuple/ row까지의 거리(비트), 해당 비트의 길이(비트)
    • 2번째 Byte의 ‘8 bit Binary’의 2~8자리 + 1번째 Byte의 ‘8 bit binary’의 10진수 값(binary -> decimal): 처음부터 해당 Item(시작)까지의 거리(비트)
    • 3번째 Byte의 Int16 값: 해당 Item의 길이(비트)

Table Row Layout

  • Individual Item/ Tuple/ Row
  • There is a fixed-size header (occupying 23 bytes on most machines), followed by an optional null bitmap, an optional object ID field, and the user data.
